jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018


Recipe “Huesos de santo”
Despite the odd name, huesos de santo or "saint's bones" are delicious .
Spanish people traditionally eat “huesos de santo”( saint's bones) on November 1st, All Saints Day. That is the day when families gather and visit their loved-ones' graves.
The funny name of this sweet comes from the appearance of a white bone on the outside, and is filled with a sticky yellow filling.

To prepare these sweet "bones," first a marzipan paste is made from ground almonds and sugar. After cooling, the marzipan is rolled out and formed into tubes. Beaten egg yolks and sugar are heated to create a thick paste and then put into the empty tubes with a pastry bag.

    • 175 gr raw ground almonds
    • 80 ml water
    • 150gr  granulated sugar
    • 100 gr granulated sugar
    • 50 ml water
    • 4 egg yolks(the yellow part of an egg)

Sugar glaze
100grs of granulated sugar
30 ml of water

1. Prepare the marzipan
Grind the almonds to a fine dust in a food processor. Set aside.
Pour water and sugar into a medium size saucepan.
Heat on high and bring to a boil while stirring until sugar is dissolved.
Remove from heat and stir in ground almonds.
 Knead  the mixture. Make a ball and set aside and allow to cool.

Once cool to the touch, place in refrigerator to cool for 30 minutes, so it is not as sticky and is easier to work with.
Remove the marzipan from refrigerator. Dust a board generously with powdered sugar. Place marzipan on board and dust top with sugar.
Roll marzipan out to about 2-3 millimetres thick using a rolling pin.
Cut into rectangles squares 7cms x 5cms. Score the marzipan using a narrow stick to give it slight ridges.

Using the handle of a wooden spoon, wrap marzipan around it and press the ends to seal a, forming little tube.

If you paint the end of the wrapped marzipan with some water it is easier to seal it .
Carefully remove each tube from handle, and place them on a cookie sheet.

2. Prepare the Filling.
Heat 50ml of water in a medium saucepan. Put the sugar into the saucepan and bring to a boil to form a syrup.
Put the 4 egg yolks into a heatproof bowl and beat the egg yolks.
When the  syrup is cold, slowly pour the syrup into the eggs while stirring with a fork or wire whip.

 Then, transfer the bowl on top of the boiling water, to make a water bath.
Continue to stir the yolk filling until it becomes very thick like a pudding.
Spoon the yolk filling into a pastry bag and squeeze the filling into each marzipan tube, from each end.

3. Prepare the sugar Glaze
 To glaze the tube we need
100grs of granulated sugar
30 ml of water.
Paint the  tubes  with this sugar-coated to make theis surface shinning. Let them dry .

New words
To gind/ɡraɪnd/  past tense and past participle ground​
to make something change into powder by rubbing it between two hard things

To knead  /niːd/to press something with the fingers,especially a mixture for making bread,firmly and repeatedly.


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