
The school years in England and Wales In general, the cut-off point for ages is the end of August, so all children must be of a particular age on the 1st of September in order to begin class that month.

Primary Education  

Infant School
 Reception, age 4 to 5
 Year 1, age 5 to 6
 Year 2, age 6 to 7 (KS1 National Curriculum Tests - England only)

 Junior School
 Year 3, age 7 to 8
 Year 4, age 8 to 9
 Year 5, age 9 to 10
 Year 6, age 10 to 11  Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests.

Secondary Education

 Middle School, High School or Secondary School

  Year 7, old First Form, age 11 to 12
  Year 8, old Second Form, age 12 to 13
  Year 9, old Third Form, age 13 to 14 (Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Tests, known as SATs   (Standard Assessment Tests))

  Upper School or Secondary School

 Year 10, old Fourth Form, age 14 to 15
 Year 11, old Fifth Form, age 15 to 16 (old O Level examinations, modern GCSE examinations)

 Upper School, Secondary School, or Sixth Form College

 Year 12 or Lower Sixth, age 16 to 17 (AS-level examinations)
 Year 13 or Upper Sixth, age 17 to 18 (A2-level examinations. Both AS-levels and A2-levels count towards A-levels .)

  In some regions of England, pupils attend a Lower (Primary) School before going to, a Middle School between 8 and 12 or, more commonly 9 and 13, and then a High School or Upper School. Other, more vocational qualifications offered including GNVQs and BTECs . 


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